Is there a guarantee that I can get all my participants from the StReP pool?
No, there is no such guarantee. And for some studies, this may be an inappropriate pool due to the narrow range of the participants’ demographical characteristics. 

How do I add a study?
If you haven’t done so, email the Psychology Technician to add you as a researcher. For details on how to add a study visit the Guidelines for Researchers.

Things to note:
  • Make sure that you add your ethics approval code. Without this your study will not be approved.

  • Make sure that you give the appropriate number of credits. Currently it is 0.5 credits per 15mins of participation time.

  • Do not try to attract more participants (Ps) by giving 2 credits for e.g. 35mins but instead you should give 1.5 credits. The maximum number of credits that can be given is 4. Even if your study takes more than two hours, no more than 4 credits can be given and credits cannot be transferred to next semester.
How are the credits given? Is it something that I need to do?
This depends on the type of study you have added to the StReP system:

If it is a lab study whereby you offered timeslots and Ps sign up to these slots then you should grant the credits manually within 48 hours after they completed your study.

If is an online study that has been created externally i.e. Surveylab, PsychoPy/Pavlovia, Psytoolkit then the credits are given automatically to the Ps if and only if the Ps have completed the survey in full. If they did not agree in the consent form page or they gave up at any point during the study (or they fall within certain exclusion criteria) then the system will not grant them any credits. Please contact the technician to set up the automatic credit granting system for you.

For studies that will not use the StReP system, no credits are given. For instance, if you emailed your survey to the participants or recruit participants from a class then no credits will be given and it is your responsibility to make this clear to your participants.
I have set up my study and put it on StReP but no participants have signed up to it. What’s wrong?
This may be for a number of reasons:
  • You did not send an approval request to the Psychology Technician (see Guidelines for Researchers). If the study is not approved it will not be visible to participants.

  • You did not set your study to Active (see Guidelines for Researchers). If you did not set it to Active the study will not be visible to participants.

  • You did not add any timeslots (see Guidelines for Researchers). If you did not add any timeslots the study will be visible to participants, but they cannot sign up to it because there are no timeslots to sign up to.

  • You published your study at a time when participants are either too busy to participate (e.g. just before or during exams), they have already finished collecting their credits, or you published it outwith semester time e.g. summer holidays.
Can I offer monetary incentives (e.g. lottery draw) via StReP?
Yes you can. Make sure you have included this incentive in your ethics application. To offer a monetary incentive, when you set up a new study, you must choose the paid option instead of the credits option. Note, you are not allowed to offer both monetary incentives and credits for the same study.
How do I go about adding a survey hosted by Surveylab (please visit Resources – Software – Online Surveys on how to create a Surveylab account based on our license)
When you click “Add New Study” on the top of the bar, in the next window select the last option “Online External Study”, either “Paid” or “Credit” (typically the latter).
A participant who signed up for my study did not turn up. What should I do about it?
It depends:
  • If the Ps notified you prior to his timeslot then mark him/her as no-show/excused.If the Ps did not notify you then mark him/her as no-show/unexcused
In either case no credits will be given to this Ps.

For Online studies, you should never mark a participant no-show/excused or no-show/unexcused. If a participant is required to complete the survey within one of our labs (i.e. it’s a lab study) then the rules above apply as usual.
I keep receiving emails about uncredited timeslots. What are they and how to I deal with them?
These emails are received only when you have an online study on StReP. You receive them because one or more of your participants signed up to your study but they have not completed it in full i.e. they have started it but they have not finished it. StReP wants to draw your attention to this as it does not know what to do with their credits.

Please ignore these emails and do not take any action. Participants will only get their credit(s) if and only if they agreed in the consent form and completed the study in full. And this happens automatically when you set up your survey with StReP. Unfortunately, there is no way to stop these emails, so please just ignore them.
How do I book a lab?
Please visit our lab booking page and follow instructions.